Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Haiku Edition

Last night at trivia, there was a question (which, of course, we got right) about Haikus.

Thus the inspiration.


Too many people
like Nascar in the state of
South Carolina.


Robz, the gun will
only get you so far but
not enough to win.


Watch out for a Crump
in a cat suit on a night
full of dark dreams.

"Terry Schiavo"

If I am too out
of it to tell you myself
pull the plug on me.


If only women
were as sweet and soft without
the percocet dose.

"Mr. Owl"

Everyone knows
owls can't eat chocolate but
tootsie rolls are fake.

"Gospel Tracks"

Look at those sinners
lighting up at the station
B.P. after three.


If I were a wolf
I would scare kids by booing
rather than howling.


Maybe one day I
will have the privilege of
washing Jesus's feet.


I hope the swine flu
makes the admin. feel sorry
for the things they've done.

Whooooo...There you go. 5.7.5. the magic syllables.


Laura (Camp) Morgan 07 May, 2009 15:24  

I like "Terry Shaivo," though I probably shouldn't. And you probably shouldn't have written it. And does someone at CSU have swine flu?!

Codie 15 May, 2009 23:26  

Nice. I really like Emo and Dogs. haha.

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