Thursday, April 23, 2009

American Girl.

One of the teachers in the kid's program where I work was discussing fashion with Jamilla (my office mate) & me earlier this week. We were talking about Jamilla's earthy style and bohemian flair. So, I asked the teacher, "What would you call my style?" She paused and thought for a moment and said, "American Girl... very classic.... something something something..." I stopped listening after I heard the words "American Girl," because I immediately thought, "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE AN AMERICAN GIRL DOLL."

Which is totally not what she was talking about when she said "American Girl." I'm sure what she really meant was that I'm a classy American Girl like Jackie O.

Conveniently, I was Jackie O. for Halloween a few years ago. No one understood my costume. Someone thought I was a maid. Someone else thought I was a Stepford Wife. I fail at Jackie O.

Doesn't matter. All I can think about now when I get ready in the morning is "What would an American Girl Doll wear?" I think aloud, "Where is my purple cardigan and pleated floral print skirt?!?"

Seriously. You know you want to be an American Girl Doll, too. Don't lie.


Codie 27 April, 2009 23:57  

When I was a kid, Samantha, Kirsten, Molly and Addy were the only American Girls. I read all of the books about them. I remember asking for an AG doll for Christmases/birthdays, but I never got one.

toni 28 April, 2009 18:55  

samantha was my favorite...still is. not gonna lie...she's partly the reason i want to name my first daughter samantha. that's embarrassing.

also, you definitely are an american girl (doll).

Laura (Camp) Morgan 28 April, 2009 20:17  

I remembering pouring over the AG catalogues for hours. I think I have their outfits permanently etched into my memory. Classy, classy girls they are!

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