Saturday, April 11, 2009

Death Cab & Easter Dubya

Rob, Ryan, Toni, & myself all trekked to Charlotte for the Death Cab for Cutie concert this past Thursday night. If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it. They are amazing. I fell in love with a few new songs and was overwhelmed with joy as they played my absolutely favorite song (not just of theirs, but of any band, any singer, anyone), "Marching Bands of Manhattan"

This is from a few years ago, and not my video... also, not great quality. But, you will be able to hear the pure, amazing voice of Ben Gibbard. Robbie is watching me write this and notes that Ben Gibbard's voice is "simply adequate." Robbie is jealous because he knows I think Ben is HOT. And skinny in person??? It's weird. He looked totally different in person. Anyway, watch the video of my favorite song.

I also just proclaimed to Robbie that I would like to walk down the aisle to this song in our eventual (who-knows-when) wedding one day. Maybe Ben can make a special trip? I'd spend my whole wedding budget on it. Except only like the first verse is appropriate for that occassion. And by first verse, I mean first 4 or 5 lines. Ha. But anyway, I don't care. I will have the cutest and most emo wedding one day. It will be most emo because I will be there and Ryan will most likely be there. And I'm just not sure the world was ever prepared for so much emo.

On another note, this made my day:

Happy Easter.


Unknown 12 April, 2009 04:41  

ahhhahahaha, I love the Bush-Bunny pic! He looks like he's going to leave Laura and marry the princess easter bunny.

Also, I can't wait to come to (or be in?) your emo wedding one day. I can hire someone to make me look more emo if neccesary since I'm not so much with the emo-ness.

toni 12 April, 2009 12:15  

oh, ben, you're amazing. please, come sing at amanda's super amazing emo wedding. and bring zooey...b/c i love her, too. cool.

also. the bush-bunny pic (as sarah so appropriately coined it) is just precious!

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