Saturday, September 12, 2009

H1N-NASTYYY (and other important things)

So here's the deal. Two of the kids I live with have the H1N1 thing. I keep telling them they're going to turn into pigs, but they don't get the joke. I'm thinking about going to the doctor on Monday for some preventative Tamiflu, but the pediatrician said it's best to go ahead and get it and build up an immunity then to try to prevent it. It's kinda inevitable, I suppose. But with my health issues (although I realize they're minor compared to some people I know) I'm a little concerned. If something is in the air, I generally catch it... and on top of severe allergies, chronic sinus issues, and asthma... well, it's the last thing I need.

I mean, I guess H1N1 is the last thing anyone needs. Except maybe the 5-year old I live with. His mother said, "This is a good opportunity for you to learn to sit still." I'm not so sure he agrees. He then told me he hoped I got it. But only after first telling his mom he hoped she got it...

so he can "eat all of the candy in the house while she's in bed."

Not gonna happen, little turkey. You can give that one up right now.

But, I do have to say this. H1N1 is not deadly to the normal person. Everyone is freaking out about it. Understandable. But if you're in decent health and take care of yourself while you have it, it's almost exactly like the normal flu. This is straight from the doctor's mouth. Not mine. Just so you know.

SO QUIT WITH YOUR PROPAGANDA, MEDIA. I will not fear you, H1N1. I shall conquer.

(Probably because of Tamiful. But still, I win. You lose.)


Anonymous 19 November, 2009 23:08  

Greetings from SE Asia!!

Your Literary Advisor "Ryan" is asleep at the wheel. There is a "Then and Than" problem here.



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