Friday, June 19, 2009

Conversations with Random People (Part One)

Setting: Thursday afternoon, Metanoia parking lot. Leaving work in a huge hurry with my hands full of promotional materials for an event I was running late for.

Random Guy: Hey, heyyy!

Me: Hi, how are you doing today?

Random Guy: Good, good. I know you, I know you, you're from N.A. right?

Me: N.A.? You mean Metanoia?

Random Guy: No, N.A. Narcotics Anonymous.

Me: Yeah, I don't go to that.

Random Guy: Oh, there's a girl in Narcotics Anonymous with the same car as you and I thought you were here. Well, it was nice to meet you, anyway.

Me: Yep.


Ryan 19 June, 2009 11:49  

BAhahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. That's awesome.

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