Monday, June 8, 2009

I am your personal trainer.

Alright. So, I know after National Donut Day at Krispy Kreme and the free root beer floats Sonic gave away last week, we're all looking to lose a little weight. I thought I'd help everyone out by detailing my workout this afternoon. Give you a little taste of working-out Amanda-style.

First, come home from work and proceed to eat four of Abigail's chocolate-chip meringue cookies after she offers you one.

Second, whine profusely while changing into your gross workout clothes that make you look extra awesome and as un-athletic as possible. (Probably because your work-out pants are really pajama pants from Target).

(Sorry, no picture. I will not embarrass myself on my own blog)

Third, walk in the rain to the work-out room at your apartment complex. Pass a weird emo kid wearing a backpack on the way there and wonder if he's secretly plotting to come after you once you're all alone in the work-out room. Decide it's worth the risk and get on the treadmill anyway.

I don't have a picture of the emo kid, so we'll throw in a picture of Ryan, instead.

Turn on Kathy Griffin's Life on the D-List on Bravo and thank God they're not playing some stupid classic American movie. I hate when they play movies. Stick to reality shows and the West Wing re-runs, Bravo!

Next, proceed to force yourself to run through the pain because you really want to see the end of the episode... where Steve Wozniak (from Apple) plays segway polo with his nerd friends.

And then, give up before the segway polo actually begins. Walk back to your apartment.

Celebrate by devouring a mini key-lime pie, homemade by your domestic goddess of a roomate, Abigail.

Then, lastly, maybe you can go to the grocery store and buy some Nutella. And proceed to eat it by the spoonful because you've been deprived of it until 24 years of age, and well, you have a lot of catching up to do.


Ryan 09 June, 2009 14:30  

Thanks for that picture. The world needed to know exactly what I look like.

toni 10 June, 2009 14:40  

ryan's face just made my day.

...i think that goes against everything the emo's stand for? or don't stand for? or cry for? i'm not sure. ryan would know. he's the king of the emo's.

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