First, things I like:
1. ICE CREAM. Brewster's Graham Central Station (pictured above) is my current favorite... most likely because it seems more special because I can't buy it in the grocery store. I also love variatons of Chocolate Ice Cream and the occasional fruity sherbert.
2. Thursday nights. The Office & 30 Rock make me happy. And it means only one more morning to wake up before I have a couple of days off.
3. Water. A month or so ago, I hated water. I've seen people walk around drinking straight out of a gallon of water and often wondered what the big deal was all about... It tastes like paper. Stale paper. Although I guess paper is always stale. But I can handle it cold, now. I now carry around an awesome pink water bottle with a sippy straw. I think the sippy straw helps me like water, maybe even makes it taste better.
4. Kids at small group. Last night one little boy was dressed as a butterfly and was attacking another little boy in an astronaut helmet with a wooden drumstick. It was awesome.
5. Shopping. But only if I can find a good deal. I bought a pair of nice dressy khaki pants at NY & Company for $4.95 this past weekend! I had a good coupon and they were on sale already. That's the kind of shopping I like to do.
Now, some things I do not like (and that are ruining my life this week):1. Effing acne eating my face. Where did it come from? I've never had an acne problem. I think this might be the worse it's ever been and I know it could be worse. But it won't go away! Since my last haircut three weeks ago, it's been a lot worse... maybe my hair hitting my face? I touch my face a lot too. But I have like a hiking trail of acne that starts on my neck and climbs all the way up to my head. I bought some Clean & Clear acne medication and it makes my skin slimey and doesn't help. Sadness. You can see the three worse death-spots on my chin in the horribly unflattering picture of me above.
2. The distance from my desk to the bathroom. I have to pee ever 10 minutes. Those who know me know this is no exaggeration. Number 3 up at the top of this post is not helping this. either.
3. Acid reflux. You are ruining my life. Truly, you are. Every day. No tomatoes, no fried chicken, no sauces of any kind on anything, NO MAYONNAISE?!? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO, ACID REFLUX?!? I hate you.
4. And, last but not least, money. Money is stupid. Why do we need it? Dumb. Can I just barter my love for food? Or my skillz? I'll trade you a crafty creation for a ham sandwich. Deal? I can make you a craft in exchange for quality meats?
I am done because I have to pee & refill my water bottle. Bye.